
The whole library @parity/light.js works with the concept of RpcObservables.

The name RpcObservable might actually not be the best, because it's actually not an Observable. A RpcObservable is a function returning an Observable.

Here's the TypeScript type of a RpcObservable:

export interface RpcObservable<Source, Out> {
  (...args: any[]): Observable<Out>;
  metadata?: Metadata<Source, Out>;

Or in simple words: a RpcObservable is a function returning an Observable, and this function has some metadata.

Let's have a look at MetaData:

export interface Metadata<Source, Out> {
  // --snip--
  frequency?: FrequencyObservable<Source>[];
  name?: string;
  pipes?: (...args: any[]) => OperatorFunction<Source, Out>[];

These are the most important fields of MetaData, which we will explain.

Main Idea

We believe that data streams are an intuitive way to express events happening on the Ethereum blockchain. The most obvious example is the pubsub pattern we described before, where we wanted to fetch the balance on every new block.

It's intuitive to have an Observable, called onEveryBlock$, that would fire an event each time it receives a new block from the network. Then, every time it fires, we declaratively make an JSONRPC call to eth_getBalance. Into code, it looks like this:

import { from } from 'rxjs';
import { switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';

// Observable that makes a JSONRPC request
const fetchBalance = () => from(api.eth.getBalance('0x12..ff'));

// On every block, we make that JSONRPC request

Similarly, if we want to check our peer count every 5 seconds, we'd do

import { from } from 'rxjs';
import { switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';

// Observable that makes a JSONRPC request
const checkPeerCount = () => from(api.net.peerCount());

// On every block, we make that JSONRPC request

The main idea of @parity/light.js is the following: "on every [frequency], we do [something]".

On every new block, we call eth_balance. On every 5 seconds, we call net_peerCount. Etc.

Looking back at the MetaData above, the frequency field holds the frequency, which is an array of FrequencyObservables, and the pipes hold an array of RxJS pipe functions, and each of them does something.


Some examples of FrequencyObservable shipped with @parity/light.js are:

  • onEveryBlock$
  • onEvery2Blocks$
  • onEverySecond$
  • onEvery5Seconds$
  • onSyncingChanged$ (fires when sync status changes)
  • onAccountsChanged$ (fires when you change account)
  • onStartup$ (fires once at dapp start)
  • etc.

The full list can be seen in the API section.


An RpcObservable can either have a frequency, or depend on another RpcObservable which has a frequency.

RpcObservable with frequencies

An RpcObservable with a frequency has its Metadata.frequency field filled with one or more FrequencyObservables. For example, balanceOf$ has as frequency of [onEveryBlock$].

Then, this RpcObservable has an array of pipes, which will be piped to the FrequencyObservable. For example, balanceOf$ has one pipe which make a eth_getBalance JSONRPC request.

RpcObservable which depends on another RpcObservable

Some RpcObservable don't have their own frequencies, but depend on a parent RpcObservable. This is the case of defaultAccount$, which depends on account$. In this case, the Metadata.dependsOn field points to the parent RpcObservable.

These RpcObservables still have some pipes. For example defaultAccount$ has one pipe which takes the 1st element of the array returned by accounts$.

Calling an RpcObservable

As per the TypeScript signature, the RpcObservable function can take arguments. These arguments are then passed down into the pipes. For instance, the argument 0x123 in balanceOf$('0x123') is passed down into balanceOf$'s pipes, i.e. into the JSONRPC eth_getBalance call.

Examples of RpcObservable

  • accounts$: Returns the array of accounts managed by the node. Frequency is onAccountsChanged$.
  • defaultAccount$: Returns the default active account. Depends on accounts$.
  • blockNumber$: Returns the current block number. Frequency is onEveryBlock$.
  • peerCount$: Returns the number of peers. Frequency is onEvery5Seconds$.

The full list can be seen in the API section.

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