Build and run OpenEthereum anywhere with Docker:

Pick a container

Docker containers for OpenEthereum are available via Docker Hub:

$ docker search openethereum/openethereum
NAME                        DESCRIPTION                STARS               OFFICIAL            AUTOMATED
openethereum/openethereum                              1

To get a list of available versions, use curl and jq:

$ curl -sS ''  | jq '."results"[]["name"]' | sort

To get the latest stable release, run:

$ docker pull openethereum/openethereum:latest

Run container

To run OpenEthereum with an interactive pseudo-tty shell, run:

$ docker run -ti openethereum/openethereum:v3.0.0

Configure OpenEthereum

OpenEthereum can be configured using either the CLI options or a config file. Should the CLI flags and the config file disagree about a setting, the CLI takes precedence. You can list all CLI options by running:

$ docker run openethereum/openethereum:v3.0.0 --help

For Docker specific options, please refer to the Docker documentation, or run docker --help or docker run --help.

Open ports

To publish OpenEthereum’s ports to the host machine, use the -p option:

$ docker run -ti -p 8545:8545 -p 8546:8546 -p 30303:30303 -p 30303:30303/udp openethereum/openethereum:v3.0.0 --jsonrpc-interface all

For example, this will expose the HTTP and WebSockets JSONRPC APIs, and the listen port to the host. Now you can send RPC calls from the Docker host computer.

To enable external discovery (for example for PoA sealing nodes), specify the external IP by appending the flag --nat extip:, where is to be replaced by your actual external IP of the host.

Pass arguments

To pass further operating options to OpenEthereum, simply append them to the docker run command:

$ docker run -ti openethereum/openethereum:v3.0.0 --no-discovery

In this case, it disables the discovery.

Config file

For more complex node configurations, a TOML config file can be created and attached to the docker container.

$ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/openethereum/docker/
$ touch ~/.local/share/openethereum/docker/config.toml

To mount the configuration, use the docker run -v option:

$ docker run -ti -v ~/.local/share/openethereum/docker/:/home/openethereum/.local/share/openethereum/ openethereum/openethereum:v3.0.0 --config /home/parity/.local/share/openethereum/config.toml

This will mount ~/.local/share/openethereum/docker/ of the host machine at /home/openethereum/.local/share/openethereum/ inside the docker container. Therefore, the config file will be available via --config /home/openethereum/.local/share/openethereum/config.toml.

Persistent data directory

In case you need to persist the blockchain files, keys etc., you should run the image with the --base-path option and then mount it, e.g.:

$ docker run -ti -v ~/.local/share/openethereum/docker/:/home/openethereum/.local/share/openethereum/ openethereum/openethereum:v3.0.0 --base-path /home/openethereum/.local/share/openethereum/

This will expose the whole data dir to the host machine at ~/.local/share/openethereum/docker/.

Windows machines don’t support unix permissions, which means you will likely experience errors when mounting a local volume as a non-root user. One workaround for this is to create a volume using:

docker volume create --driver=local --opt o=uid=1000 --opt type=tmpfs --opt device=tmpfs openethereumdb

This ensures that the volume has the correct permissions to give the openethereum user access to it.

Your can then mount the volume with:

$ docker run -ti -v openethereumdb:/home/openethereum/.local/share/openethereum/ openethereum/openethereum:v3.0.0 --base-path /home/openethereum/.local/share/openethereum/
Run in background

To run a detached OpenEthereum instance, use docker run -d:

$ docker run -d openethereum/openethereum:v3.0.0

It will run OpenEthereum in background. docker ps shows the instance:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                          NAMES
245f312f3f39        openethereum/openethereum:v3.0.0   "/openethereum/openethereum"    7 seconds ago       Up 6 seconds        8080/tcp, 8180/tcp, 8545/tcp   epic_pike

To attach the container, use docker attach:

$ docker attach --sig-proxy=false 245f312f3f39

Disabling the signal proxy allows to detach again with CTRL+C.

OpenEthereum Deploy Scripts

A OpenEthereum deployment script generator is available at paritytech/parity-deploy. It uses docker and docker-compose. On Ubuntu systems these will automatically be installed if not already present on the system.

Currently these scripts supports two types of chains, either instant sealing for development and authority round for proof of authority with multiple validators.

Prepare the node

Some examples of using the script are:

Launching OpenEthereum

Once the configuration is created you just need to run the docker-compose command to launch the machine or machines. This can be done via:

$ docker-compose up -d

You will then be able to see the logs by running:

$ docker-compose logs -f

In these logs you should see a token being generated to login to OpenEthereum. Alternatively you can run the command:

$ docker-compose logs | grep token

Once you are logged into the web interface if you go to Add Accounts, then select the option recovery phrase and enter the account recovery phrase as password. You now have an account with lots of ether to send around.

More options

You can also include extra nodes (e.g. ethstats monitoring) by including the docker-compose configuration in include/docker-compose.yml. To add Ethstats monitoring you would need to include this in the file:

    image: buythewhale/ethstats_monitor
      - ./monitor/app.json:/home/ethnetintel/eth-net-intelligence-api/app.json:ro
    image: buythewhale/ethstats
      - ./dashboard/ws_secret.json:/eth-netstats/ws_secret.json:ro
      - 3001:3000

Further reading