OpenEthereum supports standard Ethereum JSON-RPC interface for mining (eth_getWork, eth_submitWork methods) and thus compatible with any miner which implements Ethereum Proof-of-Work.

First get a OpenEthereum node up and running (either build yourself or install one of the packages; the Setup guide can help you). Next, you’ll need to install your preferred miner.

Getting the miner


Just follow the instruction on the Ethereum-Mining GitHub repository page:


Follow instructions on the sgminer github repository page:

Starting it

You’ll probably want to set the destination address (where the rewards go). If you have an address already, great. If you don’t, then you can make one in OpenEthereum with:

openethereum account new

You’ll be asked for a password and be given an address. Once done, you should run OpenEthereum and tell it to mine to that address when required. Supposing your address is 0037a6b811ffeb6e072da21179d11b1406371c63, then you would run:

openethereum --author 0037a6b811ffeb6e072da21179d11b1406371c63

Once OpenEthereum is running and synced with the network, you can start your miner of choice. For genoil, command would be:

ethminer -G

Where -G for GPU mining (opencl)

For ethminer, you should use:

ethminer -G -P


OpenEthereum offers Stratum protocol support (beta). This protocol has number of advantages compared to the JSON-RPC polling, which results in better hashrate and less node strain. To run OpenEthereum with Stratum on, use

openethereum --author 0037a6b811ffeb6e072da21179d11b1406371c63 --stratum

By default Stratum listens on local network interface ( and port 8008. You can change it by providing --stratum-interface and --stratum-port arguments, respectively. For example, to use all network interfaces on the local machine and listen on port 9009:

openethereum --author 0037a6b811ffeb6e072da21179d11b1406371c63 --stratum --stratum-interface= --stratum-port=9009

To utilize Stratum, miner also needs to be started in Stratum mode. For genoil, it will be

ethminer -G -S

For ethminer, you should use:

ethminer -G -P stratum+tcp://

OpenEthereum currently implements stratum without any authentication, nor does it match the proxy modes used by mining pools and certain mining software. Attempting to use these features with OpenEthereum will result in it rejecting your connections.

HTTP Notification

OpenEthereum can push work package notifications to a set of URLs by using the option --notify-work URLS, where URLS should be a comma-delimited list of HTTP URLs. For example,

openethereum --author 0037a6b811ffeb6e072da21179d11b1406371c63 --notify-work https://myhttpserver.local/workpackage

Once new work package becomes available, OpenEthereum will make a HTTP POST request on the provided url. Body will contain JSON-serialized array of work package data.