JSON RPC API - Wiki OpenEthereum Documentation

JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format. It can represent numbers, strings, ordered sequences of values, and collections of name/value pairs.

JSON-RPC is a stateless, light-weight remote procedure call (RPC) protocol. Primarily this specification defines several data structures and the rules around their processing. It is transport agnostic in that the concepts can be used within the same process, over sockets, over HTTP, or in many various message passing environments. It uses JSON (RFC 4627) as data format.


Types in the JSONRPC

There are several datatypes that are passed over JSON. Of these two are “special” types used particularly for the Ethereum API since Javascript/JSON has no native means of encoding unformatted byte arrays nor large quantities. Both are passed with a hex encoding, however with different requirements to formatting:

When encoding QUANTITIES (integers, numbers): encode as hex, prefix with “0x”, the most compact representation (slight exception: zero should be represented as “0x0”). Examples:

When encoding UNFORMATTED DATA (byte arrays, account addresses, hashes, bytecode arrays): encode as hex, prefix with “0x”, two hex digits per byte. Examples:

Aside from DATA and QUANTITIES, there are also normative JSON types, which we describe as STR (strings) and INT (integer numbers).

Objects in the JSONRPC

There are multiple objects in JSONRPC that are repeating itself throughout the spec.


Depending on the type of the transaction, the object can be:

Additional field that can be found in the transaction object for a few rpc calls:

Transaction Responses

Depending on the transaction type of transaction response object can be:


Depending on the type of transaction we have different receipt types:

Enabled APIs (default)

As documented in the options, available under openethereum --help not all API’s are exposed by default. However you can simply enable them by running OpenEthereum with the flag: --jsonrpc-apis APIS

Specify the APIs available through the JSONRPC interface. APIS is a comma-delimited list of API name. Possible name are all, safe, web3, eth, net, personal, parity, parity_set, traces, rpc, parity_accounts, signer. You can also disable a specific API by putting ‘-‘ in the front: all,-personal.

default: web3,eth,pubsub,net,parity,parity_pubsub,traces,rpc,secretstore.

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